freelancer or freelance
journalist is somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a
particular newspaper for long term. Payment
for freelance work also varies greatly. Freelancers may charge by a per word
publish, per article or on a per-project basis.
generally enjoy a greater variety of assignments than in regular employment,
and—subject to the need to earn a regular income—usually have more freedom to
choose their work schedule. The experience can also lead to a broad
portfolio of work and the establishment of a network of clients.
major drawback is the uncertainty of work and thus income, and in lack of
company benefits such as a pension, health
insurance , paid holidays and bonuses. But Many freelancers in journalism, regard themselves as having
greater income security through the diversity of outlets—the loss of any one of
which leads to the loss of only a portion of income, rather than its totality
as with salaried employees.
journalism is one of the more hectic forms of freelance writing. A freelancer
needs to be comfortable with spending much time hunting down stories, traveling
from place to place, and writing under short deadlines. Freelance journalist
has opportunities for personal
we talk about freelance journalism, we need to distinguish between two types:
newspaper journalism and magazine journalism. As a rule, newspaper journalism
involves a much narrower range of subject matter than magazine journalism,
significantly shorter articles, and a greater focus on form. Typical newspaper
articles follow a hierarchical format: the most pertinent information first,
the least pertinent last.